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If you are interested in your child attending the College:

Open Evening will take place on Wednesday 2nd October 2024

Letter to Y6 Parents from The Headteacher

If you were not able to come to the Open Evening but would like a tour, please contact the school and book a slot with a senior member of staff. Existing parents know that you can visit us any time.

To make an appointment for a tour of the College, please contact the school on 01588 638257 or at admin@communitycollegebc.org.uk

For details regarding admissions please go to the “Admissions” page

Parents Evening Appointments

The school uses an online appointment booking system that is very easy to use. This allows you to choose your own appointment times with teachers and you will receive an email confirming your appointments.

We are able to offer a small number of video appointments for each Parents Evening. Because of the logistics of combining video and in-person appointments the video appointments will only be available between 4pm and 4.50pm. This will allow staff to be available for in-person appointments from 5pm to 7pm.

You can access the login page for appointments using this link, https://ccbcshropshire.schoolcloud.co.uk .

A short guide on how to add appointments.

2024-25 Prospectus

1922-2022 Centenary Celebrations

September 1922 saw the opening of the County High School in Bishop’s Castle, which changed its name to The Community College Bishop’s Castle in 1992.  To mark the 100 years of the secondary school in Bishop’s Castle activities took place throughout the 2022-23 academic year.

Please follow the link to find out more information about the Centenary.

Link to Centenary Celebration Page


The Community College Bishop’s Castle is again celebrating a year of positive results, very much due to the consistent hard work of the students and staff at the College. Headline figures show that over 68% of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in English and Maths.

French, Geography, Design Technology and the triple Sciences produced particularly strong results, with many of those studying these subjects achieving a Grade 7 or above. Many individual students gained excellent results, with some standout performances from Harriet Burrell and Hannah Makowska who secured 18 Grade 7, 8 and 9s between them, as well as Georgia Boot who showed the most progress across her time at The Community College.

Mr Reuben Thorley (Headteacher) said: “It has been a pleasure to see the students collect the culmination of their hard work on results day. We are very proud of all of our students. The persistence, hard work and effort put in by both students and staff has paid off. The successes are well deserved and set our students up well for their next stage in life”.

Details regarding the examinations appeal processes for 2024 can be found on the Examinations page.

Students accessing work from home should do this via Office 365 Outlook and SharePoint

Work for students who are currently isolating will be emailed directly (when numbers isolating are small) or placed on SharePoint (larger numbers isolating)

Instructions for accessing SharePoint

Working from Home website link with all Year groups and subject area SharePoint links.


The Community College, at the heart of Bishop’s Castle, is an exciting and stimulating place to learn. One that treats all  students as individuals, challenges and actively  supports them, and provides the widest range of educational opportunities possible.

  • TO SUCCEED – excellent exam results

  • TO CAREchallenging and supporting all students

  • TO INSPIRE – where creativity, adventure and new ideas are encouraged

If you would like further details about the college please see our prospectus, or to arrange a visit during the college day to see us in action, then please contact admin@ccbcshropshire.com


Students in key stage 3 follow a broad and balanced curriculum. The key stage 4 offer is based around a core set of GCSE subjects, with approximately fifteen subjects being offered as option choices each year. Students are provided with a range of qualifications that support transition to a diverse variety of post-16 routes into further education, training and employment.

There are four houses, Clive – Austen, Darwin – Keller, Sidney – Potter and Curie – Webb. Each has a Head of House and within each house there are six vertical coaching groups with approximately eighteen students. The focus within these coaching groups is supporting students to make excellent progress in all aspects of their school life. There is a strong sense of house loyalty in the College, with students assuming roles of responsibility and leadership.  There is also a strong emphasis on creating a nurturing environment for some of our more vulnerable students, with excellent provision in place during social times to support this. Student welfare is a priority with a strong team of staff working with students in need.

GCSE results are strong, and have continue to improve. Outcomes for all students demonstrate excellent progress during their time at The Community College. We have the interests of all our students at heart, and support them to achieve not only academically but also socially, to ensure that they are well supported to move forward to their next stage when they leave us.

Students are encouraged to broaden their horizons and set themselves aspirational goals during their time at the college. Students are frequently presented with opportunities to look beyond their immediate surroundings and take a wider, global view. Visits to France, Iceland and Tanzania give our students an insight into the wider world. Visitors from many different walks of life come to present their inspirational stories to our students, and our thorough and diverse careers programme encourages students to think big when it comes to their next steps.

There is a strong sense of community with strong links between The Community College, local schools and other local groups. Students go out to work with younger children in primary schools, we have regular Primary Games Festivals and host primary school students on site for taster sessions and enrichment activities. We encourage our students to consider how they can make a contribution to their local community and take advantage of the strong support offered by those within the local area to achieve this.

2024-25 Prospectus

The Community College News

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